Meine Kreationen entstehen in einem Prozess welcher eine tiefe meditative Qualität hat. Für mich ist es jedes mal eine Befreiung, eine Reise welche mich das Leben genießen lässt, mich mit neuer Energie versorgt und meine kleinen Gebrechen vergessen lässt. Malen und Schreiben ist meine große Leidenschaft und um so mehr freue ich mich meine Werke zu teilen und einem Publikum zugänglich machen zu können.
Painting gives me joy and relaxation. It takes me into a world full of dreams. Painting freed me when I was trapped in illness. My creations are created in a process that has a deeply meditative quality. For me it is a liberation every time, a journey that lets me enjoy life provides me with new energy, and lets me forget my small infirmities. Painting and writing is my great passion and I am all the happier to share my works and make them accessible to a wider public. thank you for visiting!
“Under the Mosquito Net”. 60x80cm, Acrylic on Canvas. 2016. The story behind this painting is pretty intense. Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance but bloody dangerous. I managed to get infected by a rather nasty strain of Malaria. And to be frank, it was woeful. I managed to get myself admitted to a local hospital and stayed there for 12 days. Not a pleasant trip. The Hospital wanted to bill me 1200 Dollars, so my insurance took care of this. For 4000 Euros it can ornate your wall.
“Little Gypsy”, Acrylic on Canvas, 60×80 cm, “2017. Okay, now in my times, there was a a square in town, a town center, often a pasture or just any open space where festivals would take place a couple of times a year, and at other times the Gypsies would show up. Every Contact with them was colorful. Hence I give you ” Little Gypsie”. With all my love! And for 4000 Euros.
“Kitty at Home”. Acrylic on Canvas 60×80 cm, 2015. I had painted a similar Painting in 2010 during my time in Australia. It caught the eye of one lady and she was so in love with this painting that she managed to talk me into selling it to her for a very low price. One must understand that teachers already have a hard time and are not paid nearly enough. So I hope the painting has a good home, as this one will have one day. This Painting will sell for 4000 Euros.
“Saturday Night Bazaar”. Acrylic on Canvas, 60×80 cm, 2016. This painting is a salute to my old friend and Business Partner Ingo Grill. Ingo was leading on the Forefront to prepare Indian Goa for the Tourists to come. Actively involved in the industry he singlehandedly created and operated the so Called “Ingo’s Saturday Night Bazaar” an Institution today located in Anjuna Beach Goa. May he and Mia rest in peace. 4000 Euro will buy this Painting.
White Wedding” Acrylic on Canvas, 60 X 80 cm, 2017. White was the dominating color at my wedding, my wife, beautiful as ever wore a beautiful white dress and it was a great party. Later that night we made love, for the first time legally, which also had a nice and crazy touch to it. In memory of this event, I will let go of this painting for a mere 4000 Euros.
I am still an ardent believer in cryptocurrency. So feel free to obtain my works with bitcoin or any similar currency.
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